Sunday, March 24, 2013

My, oh my, how time does fly

I am shocked! I just came across a photo that was taken while I was Editor at a local community newspaper, The Niagara Chronicle. I actually found this clipping while doing something interesting (and new to me) -- Googling myself!

I was curious to see what results would show up if I Googled my name. Low and behold, I found an archive of all the articles I did for the Chronicle over a six year period stored away in our local library. Now that's really cool!

Even though I have a portfolio that contains all of the original articles and opinion columns I've penned over the year, to find them stored in a library archive for all to see is really an honor. It made my day, in a way.

The only thing that bothers me is when I look at the photograph I see a much younger (and thinner) me and the stark realization that I'm getting older (and heavier) sets in. I suppose this is the way everyone feels when they look  back on memories of day long past. But still, I suddenly feel very old. Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely glad I've been blessed to be around to this point in time, it's just that the photo evokes mixed emotions. It's a time I'd love and hate to return to. Weird, isn't it?

Well, I'm not sure I'll Google myself again in the near future, but it was a fun thing to do on a lazy Sunday afternoon.