Hmmm... a tax on sweetened beverages. Okay... and the purpose of this new tax proposal is?
According to a recent medical study, Canadians are drinking too much soda and sweetened beverages resulting in obesity ... WHAT?? Canadians are getting fat because they drink too much pop and Gatorade? Come on now!
What the heck is going on with our government? Are Canadians just going to sit back and take this? As it relates to our well-being, shouldn't we be focusing on more important medical issues like finding a cure for cancer, preventing future outbreaks such as the N1H1 flu? Or how about a quick-cure for nicotine addiction?

Don't be fooled. The government is well aware a tax like that will not stop people from drinking the beverages. But, they also only aware of how much revenue the tax will generate. And that's a fact that simply can't be dismissed. Even though the proposal mandates the pop-tax revenue be allocated to the promotion of Canadian Health, it's doubtful any affiliated organizations will see much of the proceeds.
It's just another tax grab like we've seen in the past with cigarettes, liquor, etc. Our health or well-being has nothing at all to do with product taxation. It's all about business of making money, even if that means making it under the guise of humanitarian resolve. Do you actually think the government cares whether or not you get fat? They only care that they get fat (in the financial sense).
So, let's just say this so-called Pop-tax passes the House. What do you think will be taxed next? On second thought... what's left to tax?
In my opinion, the government has dropped the ball when it comes to serving its constituents. Canadians are often viewed by others as "laid-back" in terms of demeanor, but that does not mean we are weak, ignorant or manipulable. When in fact, we are very strong, opinionated, objective and courageous, to say the least.
It's time we took a stand against wrong-doing in government. Let the government know you are not about to put up with nonsense like this any longer. Write letters to your MPs/MPPs, blog, email, tweet... do whatever you can to let them know you will not stand for any more of this!