I found the following article as I was scanning recent news on the internet. Of course, (opinionated as I am), I found it satisfying to comment on some of the items discussed in it.
TORONTO, Aug. 27 /CNW/ A recent survey of Ontarians shows a growing concern about the danger posed by illegal cigarettes. A recent Pollara survey of 802 Ontario residents shows that 64% of respondents believe both the federal and provincial governments should be doing more to stop this growing criminal trade.
... CRIMINAL TRADE?? I would agree that it is 'criminal' to purchase black-market cigarette products. By this, I am referring to the glutton who thinks there is nothing wrong (or illegal) about personally profiting from a U-Haul filled with unsanctioned tobacco products... But, since when were cigarette products bought by individuals on Indian Reservations deemed "black-market" purchases? And, where in Canadian Law does it state Canadians who purchase tobacco products from 'tax-exempt' community reserves is a criminal offense?
It stands to reason that the 802 Ontario residents surveyed in this poll are obviously none-smokers (or ticked-off former smokers) since it's the type of reasoning a person of that mentality would imply! Criminal trade - my foot!
"Two things are immediately clear from this survey: many Ontarians don't think buying contraband cigarettes is a crime and people who care about this issue want to see governments doing more," said Dave Bryans, National Coalition Against Contraband Tobacco. "Nearly 50% of cigarettes being sold in Ontario are illegal and reigning in this problem is no easy task. The tax losses are now approaching $2 billion each year. Governments need to take deliberate, coordinated steps to snuff out this crime."
Once again I must reiterate... the 50% of cigarettes supposedly being sold in Ontario illegally, ARE NOT BEING SOLD ILLEGALLY! They are being sold "legally"... just not by the Government, whom have increased costs and taxing of cigarettes to the extent smokers can't afford them anymore!
If you don't think this is our government's ulterior motive for wanting to "snuff out" so-called black-market tobacco sales, refer to Dave Bryans statement on how tax losses on contraband tobacco products are now approaching $2 billion. Of course the government is losing money from taxes on cigarettes. But, whose fault it that? The government is the one who kept raising prices and increasing taxes on tobacco sales to the point consumers had no other choice but to shop around!
59% were supportive of more government action based on additional health concerns due to the possible presence of insect eggs, dead flies, mould and human feces in contraband cigarettes
Uh,yeah... come on! As if they really care whether dead flies, insect eggs and mold (amongst other things) are in contraband cigarettes!
34% of people surveyed think additional law and order approaches to the problem are the best solutions
Ah, just what we need... more laws!
54% feel dealing with contraband tobacco should be part of a larger government strategy on tobacco
My opinion of the government's original "strategy on tobacco" is this: With pressure from health-conscious lobbyists the government decided the best way to help Canadians "kick" the nasty habit was by offering free tobacco cessation support networks; advertising Nicotine patches, gums, medication; enacting new legislation in regards to banning tobacco usage in specified locations...
When that didn't go quite as planned, the government decided to continue raising the price of tobacco products, taxing them to the hilt in the hope Canadians would simply give up and 'quit' smoking. Keep in mind though, that the government is just trying to appease the health-conscious lobbyists with these added incentives for Canadians to "kick" the habit. Remember, the government stands to lose billions in tax revenue if the majority of smokers actually QUIT!
As we all know, the government has no intention of losing any tax dollars. The government's strategy consisted of "sitting on the fence" in regards to the tobacco issue altogether. On the one hand, they try to please the health-conscious lobbyists by compelling smokers to quit for various health reasons.On the hand, they secretly don't want smokers to quit, because tobacco accounts for a large portion of tax revenues generated by sale of the product.That would be like "biting off the hand that feeds you".
When asked, 42% believe tobacco taxes should be cut, similar to the federal government decision in 1993, in order to eliminate the illegal market. However 44% oppose such a move.
Finally... some smart people! The 42% of those surveyed that believe taxes should be cut in order to eliminate the illegal market have "hit the nail right on the head" Yes, of course taxes should cut. Not only that, lower tobacco pricing as well. That is how to get the "tobacco market" back and reduce (if not eliminate altogether)contraband tobacco sales.
As for the 44% who opposed such a move... they're probably all pessimistic non-smokers who wouldn't offer positive input unless you paid them for it!
The Pollara survey also showed that among smokers, price was a significant driving force in their purchasing behaviour. 30% of respondents who were smokers indicated that buying decisions are made primarily based on affordability. And of those smokers who purchase contraband cigarettes, nearly 100% of them do so because of price and would only cease purchasing if legitimate cigarettes were comparable in price. The study makes it clear that price is the key driver of contraband cigarette purchasing, and the key reason why smokers could potentially stop purchasing contraband cigarettes.